It is really free to play. No subscription is required. However your account can be terminated if your conduct goes against our terms of service or if there is any type of behaviour that the moderator finds to be potentially dangerous.

Each zodiac sign has a specific set of bonuses that can enhance the players' stats. These bonuses vary from player to player and can be applied to the overall team strength as well.

There are plans for several features in the near future. So keep an eye on new developments coming soon.

A random name is generated to each team. The game is being developed and maintained by one person only at the moment, so it is difficult to track all user input at once and make sure that no inappropriate content is submitted and exposed to other users. There are plans to change this but it is not available at the moment. It is not the ideal but allows for a safer space for everyone.

You can terminate your account at zodiacsoccer.com at any time.